EUSR National Water Hygiene 'Blue Card'
The National Water Hygiene training and resulting 'Blue Card' is essential for anyone who enters a clean water site or is engaged in operations on the clean water network, whether in contact with the water or not. This qualification is typically mandated by all UK water companies. Created in 2006, the 'Blue Card' replaced all water company specific hygiene schemes and removed the need for workers to undergo separate testing and health screening. Essentially, this training removed the unnecessary need for individuals to carry multiple competency cards.
Instruction informs delegates of their responsibilities and provides an understanding of all relevant aspects of working with potable water. For example, the paramount importance of preventing pollution and contamination of clean water.
The half day course can accommodate up to 12 delegates per day.
This course is currently available as a virtual course up to 10 delegates, to attend the course delegates must have access to a computer or laptop that uses a microphone and webcam.
The National Water Hygiene training consists of the following sessions:
Module 1: The importance of water
Candidates reflect on the definition of wholesome water, the instructor draws attention to its importance as a food source as well as the implications of a world without clean water. The aim is to provide the delegate with an understanding of the scarcity of clean water. Therefore, the essential role that water plays in maintaining a healthy and functioning society is considered.
Module 2: Water as a carrier of disease
Candidates obtain a clear understanding of how water can be a carrier of disease. During this session we explore the historical cases which established a better understanding of waterborne disease. How best practice was developed and the importance of studying the various illnesses that can be contracted through the ingestion of contaminated water. Exploration of the diseases that still being tackled today.
Module 3: Potential contamination and its consequences
Covers the potential sources of water contamination across all areas of the UK water industry. Furthermore, provides and overview of the likely consequences should contamination occur.
Module 4: Preventing contamination
Candidates examine the steps that an individual can take to prevent contamination of the clean water supply. Additionally broad and overarching actions that those entering water sites can take to safeguard water quality. Specific examples of working practices that can be adopted in high-risk scenarios.
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