What is BIM?
Building Information Modelling is a term used to describe the process for creating and managing shared information on a construction project. Information is shared in a common data environment or 'CDE' and often includes the following;
- Product information
- Technical documentation
- Computer aided design models 2D and 3D
- Program Information
- Safety documentation
Sharing project data ensures that all parties have access to up-to-date and accurate project information. This should help all stakeholders to reduce wastage and minimise rework.
BIM at Groundforce
We can supply BIM level 2 complient designs. Our wide range and varied client base means that we must ensure that we can utilise design data from many different design programs and support many different file types.
We use shared models to ensure that our solutions are spatially accurate and that we can highlight potential clashes to reduce delays and rework.
Our use of specialist 3D modelling and analysis software, means that our design information is instantly updated by any changes to the 3D model. By utilising this apporach, not only can we quickly revise complex schemes without compromising accuracy, but we can also use our design models to produce animations and images. This ensures our client thoroughly understands the proposed solution and how it will be installed.
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What are benefits of working this way?
BIM models associate additional information about asset components with geometry in a structured way. This lets us build project documentation in a much more consistent and structured manner.
BIM‐enabled working allows this information to be shared by different project participants and also between different stages of design, construction and operation.
For example, an engineer is able to use information sourced from the architect to prepare energy calculations or a contractor can check the coordination of contributions from different members of the project team, and more importantly the information should always be the most recent information so all parties are working from the most current documentation avoiding costly redesign work.
BIM has the potential to allow information about the use of the building to be collated and held in formats useable by the operators of facilities – enabling buildings and other assets to be used and maintained efficiently.
What is the Government strategy and why does this matter?
The Government Construction Strategy (GCS) requires that: Government will require fully collaborative 3D BIM (with all project and asset information, documentation and data being electronic) as a minimum by 2016. This refers to all centrally procured Government projects as outlined in the GCS including new build and retained estate.
The government has already commissioned many current projects using BIM methodology and has seen significant savings.
As the government is the largest single client in the UK its decision to reduce what it sees as inherent wastage within the construction industry has far reaching implications for all contractors and suppliers.
For more information view: www.bimtaskgroup.org